About Us
Successteam is 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization specializing in Educational Youth Development via Mentorship, Leadership Development, and Community Outreach. We cater to community youth, ages 13 – 18, by providing a platform of support en route to accomplishing their dreams and goals.
Successteam offers non-traditional educational programs and events with the purpose of enhancing and exposing community youth to the endless possibilities of life resulting in increased awareness of personal strengths, professional aspirations, and the importance of effective goal setting.
It is our goal to emphasize the importance of education in connection with students & mentees While opening the doors of communication to help them understand how to logically accomplish their dreams & goals.
If our students have been exposed to the wonders of limitless opportunities the world has to offer, it our goal to enhance their understanding and use our programs to assist in their overall maturation.
If our students have been exposed to the wonders of limitless opportunities the world has to offer, it our goal to enhance their understanding and use our programs to assist in their overall maturation.
A Message From
Our Founder
Every member of our aspiring youth deserves an equal opportunity to accomplish their dreams and goals. Every member of our aspiring youth deserves an equal opportunity to be exposed to the limitless possibilities of life. Since 2015, we have impacted society by making a difference in the lives of our youth through mentorship, leadership development, and community outreach.
Our foundational pillars derive from our three pillars: education, enhancement, and exposure as our goal is to reach every young leader aged 14 – 18 through in-depth mentorship and leadership development. Our goal is to provide a platform of support in partnership with parents, community, and educational institutions developing a proactive ecosystem that our youth can benefit from en route to their next phase in life.
Successteam is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization specializing in Educational Youth Development which means our income is impact and there’s no greater feeling than to build a relationship with a member of our youth and see their maturation overtime. Whether it’s through our Successteam Leadership Academy for Young Men, Successteam Leadership Academy for Young Women, Successteam Youth Council, Back to School Bookbag Drive, or Night of Champions Community Award Gala; every initiative has the sole purpose of bridging the gap between our youth’s curiosity and realization.
2023 is our 8th year of active existence and we plan to operate just as we have throughout the previous years, with implementation in mind, productive energy, and caring hearts. Every child deserves an opportunity…we’re just here to provide one.