The Successteam Back to School Bookbag Drive has the goal of gifting new backpacks and school supplies for students, grades K – 12. Students receive supplies including backpacks, pencils, notebooks, binders, paper, book covers, calculators, rulers, crayons, colored pencils, dividers, and more!
Highlight: “We want our students to worry less about school supplies and more about their grades!”
Registration allows parents the opportunity input specific needs for their students while assisting in our goal to provide for as many students as possible.

Back to School Bookbag Drive Supply Donation List:
- Gift Cards: Walmart, Target
- Backpacks (New, Unused) – All Grade Levels
- Binders: 1″ – 3″
- Spiral Notebooks: Wide & College Ruled
- Pens: Blue & Black Ink
- Pencils: #2 & Mechanical
- Scientific Calculators: TI 84, TI 83, Etc.
- Planners
- Calendars
- Composition Notebooks
- Loose Leaf Paper: Wide & College Rule
- Germ-X
- Folders
- Dividers
- Scissors
- Dry Erase Board & Markers
- Hand Wipes
- Water Bottles
- Glue: Sticks & Bottles
- Lunch Boxes
- Rulers
- Index Cards
- Colored Pencils
- Erasers
- Mini Stapler
- Hole Puncher
- White Out
- Laptop